December 16, 2012 DPR

Web Tools for Web Designers, Part 1

Web Tools for the beleaguered online marketer

Web design tools for those lazy, yet very inquisitive Web designers that actually want to learn by doing. The truly good tools that aren’t just revenue builders for the folks hosting them are few and far between. Here are some of those few value-added tools that I have stumbled upon.  Either by accident or in search of the that magic online generator, Web design widget, time-saving Web tool or by following for the effective Call to Action. The ones I’ve listed I’ve tested myself while others are just far too interesting not to include in this list:

SEO and Social Media Tools

  1. HubSpot Grader – without doubt the best eye-opening Web page analysis tool to date. After a simply inputting your Web address, the Grader does what other online Web tools do not.  A thorough and informative report is displayed.
  2. WooRank – Gives you an in-depth analysis of your Website with very useful information to drive up traffic and search engine ranking.

And then for Accessibility Geeks

  1. Tableless Layout Generator via The Yahoo Grid Builder- Part the Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI) which is a set of utilities “for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX. “
  2. Web Color Combinations Tester and Palettes via which offers the user the ability to visualize different color schemes and ten test them alongside each other.
More to come soon…


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Intrigued, excited, and enamored by technology and life. 30 plus years providing businesses with marketing, design, and strategies for success. Specializing in WordPress, Magento, and SEO.

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