Brochure design tips and tricks 101

Effective Brochure Design has “White Space”

Brochure design is much like all other forms of advertising in that it requires some basic designing principles to be effective. Let’s take the obsessive need for some to want to cram as much information as possible into a brochure. Seems like good business sense to equate empty space with an opportunity to sell. Though the reality is quite the opposite. White space is good.

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The temptation to fill up “the empty space may win out over good graphic design practices. It may not seem obvious, though it can be tempting to add extraneous messages in your advertisement, ultimately drawing the reader’s attention away from your primary message. The result is a crowded  brochure design, lessening its visual impact.

There’s no doubt that advertising space is expensive regardless of the vehicle used; billboard, newsprint, magazine advertising and brochures . For that matter, many businesses find it hard paying fora professional graphic designer when ad space costs so much. For that exact reason, a professionally designed ad will help ensure a better return on your advertising investment.

As a frugal business person, it’s hard not to fill up that valuable ad space.  Resist the temptation. Make the most of your advertising investment by using “white space” wisely. Don’t drown out your primary message with”visual noise”. Keep it simple and clean.

Do your research

Do some research by performing a survey of what really concerns your customers. It’s not always price. There are many ways to do marketing research, though you may want to begin by visiting a Blog or threaded discussion whose topic is your product or service. Query folks. Ask them questions. Offer advice. Or better yet, create your own Blog and promote it as a way to better serve your clients.

Blogs are a great way to increase your “link popularity” and ultimately your Google “Page Rank”. Page Rank is a deciding method that Google uses which will increase your chance of ranking higher in Search Engines.

Why so many questions?

When you decide to go ahead and hire a graphic designer, he/she should ask you a lot of questions. If they don’t, don’t hire them. Not only does a lack of questions show their inexperience, but also a lack of interest in your business. When the graphic designer asks questions about the way you do business , you can be sure that the graphic designer has advertising savvy. Creating a clever graphic design for your business should always be balanced with the need for common sense marketing.

Not just another widget maker…

Your company may seem like “just another widget maker” to a newbie designer, but in reality everyone runs their business differently. The benefits your customers have come to expect from doing business with you may not be so apparent to a prospective customer. So, an experienced graphic designer will find out what your strengths are and make them visual .

Brochure Design Tips

There are many different types of folds available by modern printing machines. Here are just a few.

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